Receive scholarships, cash awards, or tuition assistance by participating in the Awards!
Scholarships and Cash Awards
American Voices & Visions Award
A selection of works representing each region of the Awards will receive $500 each.
The Flaunt It Award
Works that celebrate individual differences are eligible for $2,000 scholarships.
Educator Awards
Educators of National Winners are also eligible for cash awards.
New York Life Award
Works about personal grief, loss, and bereavement are eligible for $2,500 scholarships/travel stipends.
The Herblock Award for Editorial Cartoon
Artworks on current events are eligible for $2,000 scholarships.
Portfolio Scholarships
High school seniors submitting a portfolio of six works are eligible for scholarships of up to $12,500.
Best-in-Grade Award
Works selected as juror favorites from each grade will receive $500 scholarships.